German Shepherd Coonhound Mix – Everything You Need To Know!
Stacy Reed
Author: Stacy Reed
Stacy is a freelance writer who has always shared her life with dogs, especially German Shepherds.
Published date: January 22, 2024
Updated date: January 22, 2024
This article was reviewed and fact checked If you have found any errors, please contact us!

German Shepherd Coonhound Mix – Everything You Need To Know!

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Are you thinking about getting a furry companion? Consider the Coonhound German Shepherd Mix!

This energetic and unique hybrid dog combines the best traits of the German Shepherd and Coonhound breeds. In this article, we’ll explore their characteristics, history, and how to care for them.

Whether you’re a first-time owner or an experienced dog lover, we’ll provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about owning a Coonhound German Shepherd Mix.

Let’s dive in and learn more about this fascinating canine!

History and Origins of the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

To understand the history and origins of the Coonhounds and German Shepherd Dogs Mix, you should know that crossbreeding between the parent breeds occurred in the 1990s.

The German Shepherd Coonhound Mix, also known as the GSD Coonhound Mix, is a hybrid breed of dog that combines the characteristics of both the German Shepherd and the Coonhound breeds.

The German Shepherd is a breed that was created in 1889 by Max Von Stephanitz and was used for herding and various other jobs.

On the other hand, the Coonhound breeds, such as the Black and Tan Coonhound and the Redbone Coonhound, were developed in the United States for hunting raccoons.

Did You Know? 💡
The average lifespan of a Coonhound and German Shepherd mix is 10 to 12 years. They are generally healthy dogs. It’s worth mentioning that it is a relatively new breed of dog, and there is not a lot of information available on their health issues.German Shepherd and Coonhound Mix dogs are commonly used in rescue and police work due to their excellent sense of smell.If you don’t give your coonhound mix puppy enough exercise, they can cause trouble. They need at least two hours of training every day. They love to run – the record speed is 30 miles per hour.GSD Coonhound Mix dogs tend to have a high prey drive, but their German Shepherd side may make them more responsive to commands to leave it.

Physical Characteristics and Size of the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

When considering the Coonhound German Shepherd Mix, you can expect a dog that has a unique combination of physical characteristics and a size that can range from medium to large. This mixed breed inherits physical traits from both the German Shepherd and the Coonhound parent breeds. They’re typically muscular, large-sized dogs with a long snout and a short coat that can come in various colors.

German Shepherd and a Coonhound Mixes are an active and energetic breed that requires lots of exercise. They’re loyal and protective of their families, making them great family pets. Generally weighing between 50-85 pounds, the size of the German Shepherd Coonhounds can vary depending on factors such as diet and exercise. With their size and energy levels, they’re best suited for homes with plenty of space for them to roam and play.

Temperament and Personality Traits of the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

If you’re considering a mix dog, you’ll find that they have a unique temperament and personality traits.

As a mixed breed dog, the Coonhound Shepherd Breed Mix inherits characteristics from both the German Shepherd and Coonhound breeds. These dogs are known for being highly trainable and intelligent. They exhibit qualities such as loyalty, affection, and bravery.

With their strong prey drive from the Coonhound parent, it’s important to provide proper socialization and training to ensure they get along with other pets. They make great family pets and are highly protective of their loved ones.

With their versatile and easily trainable nature, the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix is an ideal choice for those looking for a loving and loyal companion.

close up photo of black and brown dog


Training Tips for the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

When training your German Shepherd Coonhound puppy, be consistent and patient. Here are some training tips to help you along the way:

1. Socialization: Expose your pup to different people, animals, and environments from a young age. This will help them develop confidence and positive behavior.

2. Exercise: This mix is highly active and energetic, so make sure to provide plenty of physical exercise. Daily walks, runs, and playtime will help keep them happy and prevent boredom.

3. Reward-based training: Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to reward good behavior. This will motivate your dog to repeat desired actions and create a strong bond between you.

Training and Socialization With Other Pets for the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

For a well-rounded German Shepherd Coonhound Mix, it’s important to prioritize socialization and ensure positive interaction with other pets. Socialization plays a crucial role in shaping your dog’s behavior and temperament. By exposing your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix to different animals and environments from a young age, you can help them develop good social skills and reduce the likelihood of aggressive behavior towards other pets.

It’s essential to supervise and guide their interactions with other pets, gradually introducing them in a controlled and positive manner. This will help them learn how to communicate and play appropriately with other animals. Remember, each dog is unique, so it’s important to monitor their behavior and adjust the socialization process accordingly.

Health and Care for the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

To keep your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix healthy and well-cared for, it is important to prioritize regular veterinary check-ups and provide proper nutrition and exercise. Regular check-ups with a veterinarian will help ensure that any potential health issues are caught early and can be treated effectively.

Proper nutrition is essential for the overall health and well-being of your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix. Providing high-quality dog food approved by your veterinarian, and feeding the appropriate amount based on their age, condition, and exercise level, will help maintain their optimal weight and prevent obesity.

Additionally, regular exercise is crucial to keep your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix physically and mentally stimulated. Aim for at least 90 minutes or more of exercise each day, which can include long walks, runs, or visits to the dog park. By prioritizing their health and providing proper care, you can ensure that your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix lives a happy and healthy life.

Incorporating a balanced and nutritious diet, regular exercise, and routine veterinary care will help maintain the health and well-being of your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix.

Exercise and Activity Requirements of the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

To ensure the health and well-being of your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix, it’s important to prioritize regular exercise and provide opportunities for physical activity. This energetic dog breed needs a lot of exercise to stay happy and healthy.

Here are some exercise and activity requirements for your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix:

1. Daily Walks: Take your dog for long walks every day to give them the opportunity to release energy and explore their surroundings.

2. Outdoor Playtime: Engage in active play sessions with your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix, such as playing fetch or frisbee in a secure, fenced-in area.

3. Mental Stimulation: Provide mental stimulation through puzzle toys, obedience training, nosework, and interactive games to keep your dog’s mind sharp and prevent boredom.

Living Environments Suitable for the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

You’ll find that the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix thrives in spacious and active living environments. This hybrid dog is a large and active breed that requires plenty of space to run and play.

Here are three reasons why a spacious and active living environment is suitable for the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix:

1. Exercise Needs: The German Shepherd Coonhound Mix is an active dog that requires plenty of exercise to stay healthy and happy. They need plenty of room to run and play, so a large yard or access to outdoor spaces is essential. Living in an active environment provides opportunities for mental stimulation through activities like obedience training, puzzle toys, and interactive play.

3. Company: The German Shepherd Coonhound Mix is a social dog that enjoys the company of humans and other animals. Living in an active environment allows for regular socialization opportunities, which are important for their overall well-being and happiness.

Providing a spacious and active living environment for the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix will ensure that they lead a fulfilled and balanced life.

Grooming Needs for the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix

Taking care of a German Shepherd Coonhound Mix’s grooming needs is essential to maintain their coat’s health and appearance. Here are three important aspects to keep in mind when it comes to grooming your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix:

1. Brushing: Regular brushing is important to remove loose hair and prevent matting. This will keep their coat looking clean and shiny. Use a brush suitable for their coat type to effectively remove any tangles or knots.

2. Bathing: Bathing your German Shepherd Coonhound Mix on a monthly basis will help keep your coat and skin healthy. Use a dog-friendly shampoo, and make sure to rinse thoroughly to remove all the soap. Avoid over-bathing, as it can strip their coat of natural oils.

3. Nail care: Regular nail trimming is necessary to prevent discomfort and potential injuries. Trim their nails carefully, making sure not to cut too close to the quick. If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, consider taking them to a professional groomer.


In conclusion, the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix is a unique and energetic hybrid dog that can make a wonderful addition to any family.

With their loyal and intelligent nature, they’re a great companion for both first-time owners and experienced dog enthusiasts.

By understanding their characteristics and taking proper care of them, you can ensure a happy and fulfilling life for this lovable mixed breed.

So, if you’re considering adding a furry friend to your family, the German Shepherd Coonhound Mix is definitely worth considering.

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