Do Australian Shepherds Bark A Lot? (Causes & Quick Fixes)
Australian Shepherds, like every pup, will bark excessively sometimes.
But how much barking is too much?
These dogs will likely bark the most when they see other dogs or animals.
Aussies will stop barking with some coaching, but these active dogs may need proper training to discourage this behavior.
Your Australian Shepherds may bark excessively for a few reasons, including being bored, the need for mental stimulation, and separation anxiety.
Some Aussies may also need veterinary medicine to address a health issue causing the excessive barking.

Do Australian Shepherds Bark A Lot?
Aussies do bark a lot and will need consistent training to follow verbal commands to become a more quiet dog.
However difficult, Aussies may have plenty of reasons for barking often.
Australian Shepherd barks may indicate boredom or severe issues, like a significant health concern.
But most of the time, your dog will stop barking with only a few commands and shushing.
Australian Shepherd barking can be troublesome for dog owners or a dog walker who wants a peaceful experience, so training is vital to ensure your dog stops barking.
Loud barking might come from an instinct to herd livestock, or your dog might begin barking when they see a furry friend.
But luckily, barking is usually not an aggressive behavior.
Thankfully, there are some things you can do to help these great family dogs experiment with their own voice without leaving you feeling exhausted.
Why Does My Australian Shepherd Bark So Much?
There are dozens of reasons your Aussie might bark, and narrowing the reason down might be challenging.
Consider monitoring how often your Aussie barks to decide why your dog behaves this way.
Dog barks and loud noises can be distressing, but there are ways to help your dog stop barking.
They want attention
One of the biggest reasons your dog will bark is because they are bored and want attention.
A pup may also bark for attention more than a mature Australian Shepherd.
Australian Shepherd owners can try preventing excessive barking due to boredom by getting their dog enough physical exercise.
Lots of exercise and playtime will help reduce barking and will leave your dog feeling satisfied and content.
A working dog like the Aussie will need much more attention and reinforcement than other breeds.
The vast majority of dogs won’t need the same training and care this pet will require to stop barking.
An Aussie will look at your body language to get attention, too.
So try to promote a healthy environment by letting your Australian Shepherd bark some before shushing them.
Additionally, give them love and attention to avoid excessive barking.
They’re tired
It may not make much sense, but your dog may bark a lot if tired too.
Australian Shepherds tend to use excessive barking to alert their owners to their exhaustion.
Your Australian Shepherd may want to curl up in their bed and wants you to come with them.
Additionally, your Australian Shepherd may need to go potty before they go to sleep.
Most Australian Shepherds won’t bark because they need to sleep but instead will whine.
However, every dog is different, and yours may choose loud noises to alert you.
Most dogs typically avoid barking at night, but an Australian Shepherd cares very little about the time of day and will likely bark regardless of the time of day.
These herding dogs have no problem using a hoarse barking noise to tell you they’re ready to tuck in for the night.
They are anxious
An Australian Shepherd may be energetic, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune to separation anxiety and other types of stress.
When your Australian Shepherd is barking a lot, and repeatedly, they may be feeling anxious and need help to feel better.
This anxiety can ultimately lead to potty accidents before bed, among other things.
An Australian Shepherd with excessive barking may also be using this behavior to grab your attention and communicate that something is stressing them out.
Pay close attention to your Aussie pup to decide if their bark is typical, if they’re wagging their tail, using training behavior, or pacing.
Your pet may feel that barking is the best way to get their problem solved since you will likely respond to it.
They alert you to potential dangers
One of the best things about owning an Australian Shepherd is that these animals are great guard dogs.
Aussies may use their bark to alert their owners to a threat nearby.
When your Australian Shepherd is barking outside a window or sounds urgent, always pay them close attention to see what is going on and if you need to address something.
Australian Shepherd owners will likely be aware of protective behavior in their pet since it is much more uncommon than normal loving behaviors.
Australian Shepherds also act differently than other breeds when they notice danger or anything else they deem to be suspicious.
These dogs will likely stand alert and remain friendly but cautious.
Always investigate the source of your Australian Shepherd’s distress.
They hear noises nearby
Like other animals, Australian Shepherds will gladly bark at any noises they hear outside the home.
An Aussie likes to know everything going on around them and is always observant.
However, when your Australian Shepherd can’t figure out where the noise is coming from, they might start using excessive barking to get you to investigate the noise further.
Australian Shepherds are usually calm around cars, traffic, and other daily noises.
However, new noises that they haven’t heard before might spook them.
For example, Australian Shepherds are one pet that doesn’t appreciate the loud boom of fireworks outside.
Some may also be sensitive to thunderstorms and strong gusts of wind.
This behavior will likely take plenty of time and desensitization to resolve.
However, some calming techniques can help your dog feel less irritable about noises.
They sense animals nearby
Australian Shepherds will likely get excitable when they see other dogs in the area.
Australian Shepherds love playing with other animals, and you may notice them get loud when seeing one.
Your Aussie may also get loud and use barking when they sense a dog or other animal has been around the property.
So monitor how your dog reacts to smells in the yard.
An Aussie may not need to see an animal around their home to use barking.
Sometimes, smelling an animal that has wandered by is enough to cause excessive barking and noise.
Your Aussie might act similarly in public areas or dog parks where plenty of other dogs will be located.
But this is nothing to worry about – barking at other animals and smells is typical Australian Shepherd behavior.
Health problems
Your dog may start barking if they have an unknown health condition.
However, the bark to alert you of an illness will likely come along with whimpers.
Take note of how your dog behaves and if they are following commands and training.
If your Aussie doesn’t follow directions, they may be ill and will be barking weakly.
A pup at a young age might not bark much when they feel ill, but an older dog might use barking a lot to indicate they need medical help.
Pay attention to the sound of your Australian Shepherd’s bark to determine if they have an illness or health concern.
A sick Aussie bark may be weak, hoarse, or include whimpering.
How Do I Stop My Australian Shepherd From Barking?
There are plenty of methods you can use to help your Australian Shepherd’s barks stop and help them embrace calmer behavior.
But nonetheless, some levels of dog barking are normal and should be expected.
Excessive barking can be managed in a variety of ways, however.
Consider using loud noises or verbal commands to capture your dog’s attention and stop their barking.
Command “No Bark” or “Enough”
When your Aussie lets out a bark, you may want to give them the command to stop barking.
A gentle directive will help your Aussie understand that you’d like them to be quiet.
Your pup will likely do a lot of barking, and each bark may mean something different.
However, you can figure out why your dog is barking to help keep them calm.
Verbal commands can help your Australian Shepherd understand that you’re looking into their concern, and that they don’t have to worry about you ignoring the things they think are vital.
Tell your Aussie to calm down while you look toward the direction of their bark. This will help your pup stay calm and offer you some peace.
Distract With Noise
You can use coins in a jar or bottle to distract your Aussie and redirect their mind so they aren’t so focused on the subject of their barking.
Providing a distraction may help them quiet down.
Fill a jar or bottle with coins and secure the lid with glue or tape.
Keeping the coins secure will help prevent any accidents with your dog and prevent choking.
Every time your dog barks, you can shake the jar gently enough to capture your Australian Shepherd’s attention but not enough to hurt their ears.
This sound may be annoying for your dog, but it will work effectively to get them to calm down and follow your verbal commands.
Your Aussie will start to associate the annoying sound with barking and will stop barking so much so they won’t have to hear the shaking coins.
One of the best ways to stop your dog from barking so much is to tire them out with plenty of exercise.
Your Aussie will likely need at least 30 minutes per day of exercise to remain healthy.
The added benefit of exercise is that it will make your Australian Shepherd so tired, they won’t be so intent on barking so much.
Instead, they’ll lie down and relax after a nice long walk.
Exercise can help keep other things like canine depression and boredom away too, meaning your dog will stay quieter during the day, and enjoy bark-free afternoons with their families.
Barking during exercise and play is normal, however.
Australian Shepherds may be especially loud when playing and running with other dogs, pets, or children.
Australian Shepherds do well with playmates and other pups in the home, and these companions can help keep barking at bay.
You can use training treats to help keep your Australian Shepherd calm and quiet.
But treats are not recommended for consistent use since it can make your dog gain weight.
Some training treats are dense in calories, and you’ll need to monitor how many your dog eats.
Some may also cause diarrhea or vomiting.
However, this method will help distract your Aussie and keep them calm while you enjoy some quiet time without any barking.
A hard bone may even keep your mature Aussie occupied for hours.
Offer your Aussie only the highest quality treats, without any preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors, as they can be harmful and may cause certain canine cancers.
Barking Behavior By Age
When considering the question: “do Australian Shepherds bark a lot?” you must consider age.
Australian shepherds bark a lot more at a young age.
During the early stages of their life, your dog will also be discovering the power of their voice.
This can add on to their high energy levels, leading to increased barking.
But incessant barkers are uncommon and can usually be managed through training and other methods.
Read on to learn how barking varies depending on age.
Adult dogs
An adult dog will bark a lot less than a younger dog or puppy.
Younger puppies will likely have more energy and use that energy to speak and express themselves.
Adult dogs, however, already have experienced the world and enjoy spending their time with their families, other dogs, and children.
There is less need for constant barking with mature dogs.
Mature dogs will likely still bark for a variety of reasons, like needing to go potty, a health concern, or a perceived threat.
However, these reasons are not as common as they age.
But you should always be mindful of your dog’s unusual barks and pay close attention to how they behave when using their mature voice.
Puppies are rambunctious and will likely use their newfound voice for anything.
You may hear your Aussie puppy bark for nearly any minor or major inconvenience.
Thankfully, the puppy bark doesn’t get too loud until they’ve grown out of their puppy phase.
Until they mature, these barks are more like squeaks and don’t have a booming tone.
Puppies are easier to hush and can be easily calmed through a variety of methods, including petting, playing, distracting, and affection.
So start using verbal commands and training techniques at a young age to help your puppy understand when they are allowed to bark, and how to avoid annoying the household.
Barking Behavior By Gender
Your dog may bark more or less depending on their gender too.
Male dogs will typically bark louder and more frequently, and will be more observant of their surrounding environments overall.
Being super aware of what’s going on around them will in turn lead to more barking in most cases.
As guard dogs, Aussies will also bark more than other dogs or other pets too.
Male Australian Shepherds tend to be louder and have a deeper bark than females.
This is likely due to the evolutionary process that made them more aggressive for protection.
However, males may not develop their deep bark until they’ve hit maturity and this deep bark may also not be much deeper than their female counterparts.
The male bark may only be a level or two deeper than the female bark, making it harder to identify gender unless the owner is there to tell you its physical gender.
While female Australian Shepherds do have a lighter bark, their voices can get as deep as needed to protect themselves, their families, and their babies.
Female Australian Shepherds have no problem getting angry, barking, and snarling deeply when they are upset or angry about a situation or when they perceive a threat.
In typical and safe circumstances, however, a female Aussie will likely bark a lot less than a male Australian Shepherd.
Males are also usually more goofy, fun-loving, and attention-seeking.
Females don’t seek attention as much and aren’t as needy, and will therefore bark less.
At What Age Do Australian Shepherds Start Barking?
Australian Shepherds will start making vocalization noises at around two or three weeks of age.
Before this time, these puppies are nearly completely silent.
As they age, they’ll start to develop their voice, but they likely won’t be able to form a full bark until they reach seven or eight weeks of age.
Between these two time frames, Aussies will practice using their voice and make a lot of yipping noises to communicate with their mother, siblings, and owners.
At the eight-week mark, your puppy will be able to make a barking sound, but it will likely be wobbling and weak.
Your dog may start practicing their howl, but they won’t be able to maintain the sound long.
After they hit three months of age, your dog should be able to make a wide range of noises with confidence.
This includes a group howling, barking, tipping, and whining.
How Loud is An Australian Shepherd’s Bark?
Each dog is different and its bark will reach different levels of sound.
Most dogs have a bark that will reach about 90 decibels, but this can change depending on the situation.
If your Australian Shepherd is mature and they perceive a threat, it might get loud and use the most powerful bark they have to scare off the danger.
However, barks meant to grab attention will likely be much quieter and easier to understand.
Also, note the body language and behavior your Australian Shepherd exhibits.
A wagging tail or a whine can give you an idea of whether your Australian Shepherd needs something, is in pain, or is barking for attention.
The noise level of their bark can also indicate their specific need at that time.
Are Australian Shepherds Loud Dogs?
Australian Shepherds tend to bark excessively and usually adopt this bad habit as a way to use their excess energy.
This working breed easily gets bored and may bark if they’ve been alone for long periods or if they have a need that hasn’t been met.
Is An Australian Shepherd A Difficult Dog?
Although Australian shepherds bark a lot, they aren’t difficult dogs.
These dogs enjoy training and make good family pets for those who have enough time to teach basic commands.
Do Aussie Shepherds Ever Calm Down?
Aussie Shepherds will calm down when they are trained properly and respond to body language and verbal commands from their owners.